about  us

          Black style matters is a platform to share positive black culture. The platform was created in 2017 during a record-breaking year of police brutality. The internet was filled with violence and grief. We built Black style matters to uplift our people with one of our most prized possession, "STYLE."
A little bit
about us
From left to right
Aaron, Fortune
We are
We are passionate about black arts and culture  in all their ways. Our mission is to inform, exchange and learn  with people that are sharing our passions. We are Baltimore  but working with friends all around  the world.

Positive Black Visuals

We created Black style matters to distribute positivity in our community. One of our primary goals is to show us in the best light daily. To uplift and empower black creatives, designers, makers, artists, and anyone looking for inspiration.


We are a family

We have built a community filled with talented individuals. We intend to bridge the black talent worldwide to create a better future. Black Style Matters is not about a small group of individuals. It's a platform for all levels of black creatives and businesses.


No more, no less

Quality is key. Black Style Matters utilizes curators, writers, and creators who pay attention to details. We look to highlight the highest quality content.


Knowledge above all

The wealth of knowledge in our community from our readers and creators is next level. We are constantly learning and love the feedback our community provides.

Daily Life at